Sunday, January 18, 2009

wood grain

this was taken at a car show I attended this weekend and this really stood out to me. the bottom of the bed of the truck is made out of wood and it has the flame pattern in it. but that is not what stood out the most to me. although this photograph does not suppot it too well, what I noticed was the grain of the different kinds of wood. in each of the different woods, the grain was unique and they all had their own color. there was beauty in the natural aspect of the wood and it was pretty awesome being combined with the metal of the truck.


  1. This picture looks very interesting. I like the way you can see the bottom of the truck with the flames on the top.

  2. Wood grain is interesting. I am more concerned with you finding interest in your world from things that have not already been deemed important, or note-worthy. The bed of this truck was put on display for others to see-therefore making it important.
