Thursday, January 22, 2009

This is a picture of my Grandmothers old garage. Old in two ways, it is naturally old and also she moved this weekend. I was helping my grandmother move and actually thinking of this project when I saw the side of her garage. At first I took a picture on my phone of it, but then I discovered later that I don't know how to get pictures off my phone and so I went back with my camera. As you can see the window on the side of the garage had been busted and not only that but that the wood siding has been broken and worn thin. I thought this would fit perfectly into the debris category even though the garage is still standing it has taken a beating over time. one thing I like about this picture is that its broken state is what makes it interesting because to me the side of a new white garage really is not that intriguing where as this is.

1 comment:

  1. I love the look of age. It just says so much about the subject. It has been worn, it has a story. What happened to break the glass? Where did the water come from that caused the rust? There is so much to be learned from age. Its ugly, but so beautiful at the same time.
