Saturday, February 28, 2009

Andrea Allen

This is a pic I took on the way to my parents house. I like how my
camera captured the light from the sunset and also the tree in the
left looks really cool. Just thought it was a pretty image to capture

Friday, February 27, 2009

Kelsey Lee WO #6

I took this photo while I was waiting to go to class Wednesday. The sun was just starting to set, the sky hadn't even changed color yet. I looked up and had to cover my eyes, and I looked at it from a slightly different angle and it looked like this! I love this photo because it shows pattern with the tree, and yet the pattern is uneven at the same time.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Brian Beyer - WO6

So for a while now coming home from school I have walked over these chalk drawings on my driveway and looking at them as I entered my house to go work on homework and other things, but just recently the chalk drawings got smeared by the rain and I thought that they turned out really pretty with the way the colors blended. I thought this was kinda a nicer effect of weather. usually when we think about things after the storm they are usually destroyed or damaged and I just thought it was interesting that the weather contributed to these chalk drawings in a way that made them even more interesting.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I saw these berries at a local nature trail. I love the variety of shapes in nature. I mean, against everything else that is brown and green and leafy there are these little black beady things. Awesome.


I thought the light shining was cool when I took this picture. Four lights combine to make one bright one.

Tim Barnhill 2/22

I took this picture when I was driving down the street tonight. I liked the way the lights ran together and kinda made a design at the top of the picture.

Post 5

This is a picture of my upper arm, it is an impression of the bottom of the cheerleading shoes that had turned into bruise that I ended up having for a week.

Mandee Mabe

This is right outside my cousins house in Garden Plain, I just think its beautiful because its all natural.

I took this picture of a rug outside of Btb and i love the texture in the fabric of the rug and all the pattern and how the lines work in this rug, just thought is was really cool.

Melissa Crossman- 2/22/09

I love how this picture turned out from my phone. it looks as if it has been sketched but in reality it is a photo.

Roberta Austin Weekly Observation

I took this a few days ago. It was close to getting dark out and I heard this crow making a racket right over my head, so I just snapped a picture. They sky was really grey and the picture looks very dark and foreboding to me.

Ducks off a Pond

I took this picture last monday morning. I think it has a nice pattern to it because if you look at the line of geese from front to back it shows how they all follow the group. In this case the back of the pack was spooked by the rock I tossed in the water and the rest followed suit.

Andrea Allen

This is a pic I took at work on break. I was super bored. It's looking
down on a cup of water with ice. I just like the angle of this pic

i decided to post this picture because i reminds me of the line projects we did.. the different lines combine to form one image

I was out walking and I came across a forested area, that had extremely tall trees. It made me realize that the area I was standing in has been an untouched environment for probably the last hundred years! In todays day, for anything to be over 100 ft. tall and to be around that long is just stunning!

Joshua Hugo, February 22, 2009

I took this over the weekend at a friend's house. This is a picture of a dog pet porter and the breathing holes on the sides (well, it's what I call them). I took this picture because it kind of reminded me of intended pattern with the rows of holes.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Brian Beyer -W05

Okay so this week I was bored because I was stuck at my grandmothers house waiting to move boxes for her, so I was playing with my phones camera setting and I discovered a cool setting which makes everything negative. then I discovered that it has a really cool effect with shadows and light. As you can see in the top pictures the shadows turn to a white color and then in the bottom picture of my sister Kelsey it was cool cause the light coming through the blinds on a window turned into black lines and went across her already lined shirt. Just thought it was interesting and a new way to look at light and patterns.


This is a picture of a sculpture that was in the Greteman Group's conference room over on Douglass. The picture was taken with my phone and was taken at worms eye view. I snuck in this room while I was waiting for the rest of my class to get there. It's a really cool abstract piece and I like the shadows that are on the ceiling and the wall.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tim Barnhill 2/15/09

I took this picture in the library. I took this picture of the carpet because i see it almost everyday and never stoped and looked at the patterens in the carpet or the different colors.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I took this picture of the off ramp on the interstate because of the texture in the clouds and the use of line through out the whole picture. The lines really caught my eye.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Brian Beyer - W04

This is a picture I took on the ninth floor of the Bank of a America when we had our school dance. I was only there for 20 minutes or so but the view of the town was really neat. The picture itself does not really capture the depth of the view but it does really show the beauty of the city lights.

p.s. I know this is a day late~ I got mixed up with having Monday off due to Presidents Day

The Road. Tom Rowland

I was driving down 54 highway and took this picture for some odd reason. What I like about it is, it looks like a freeze frame, if you unfroze the shot, the cars would begin moving and life would go back in motion.

Andrea Allen

This is a pic I took last week after the rain. Just thought the
rainbow was pretty. This rainbow you could see every single color

Sunday, February 15, 2009

i really liked this picture cause it looked like lines across the sky...obviously! thought the color was pretty too. kinda gave it a double take when i saw it. the clouds really made a cool pattern

Melissa Crossman Feb 15 2009

this is a photo that I took right after it rained the other day. at first I was just going for the reflection of the trees in the water on the cement but when i really looked at it... the reflections almost looked like cracked cement. there is a real crack in the cement and all the branches in the reflections just blend in with it.

Joshua Hugo, February 15, 2009

This was taken over at a family friend's house in their daughter's room on Saturday. I just kind of glanced over when I was walking through the house (like I typically do at a house that's not mine) and saw this. This reminds me of debris/chaos.

Roberta Austin weekly observation

This is a tree that I saw when I was out walking around earlier. I just thought it was neat how it had so many different colors and textures going on in the bark.

Ashley Standley Observation

I took this picture on my phone and it didn't come out like it was supposed to. I was about to delete it then I actually looked at it and I really liked the colors on the left towards the top.

Chelsea Darling Post

I took this picture with one of my friends, but I kind of missed our faces. So now when I look at it I see all the hearts on her jacket and shirt. They both have hearts, but they are different. Then, I look at my shirt and jacket and how they contrast with the light colors of her shirt.

Austin Breitenstein

These are pictures of my room. I never really thought of this as art until i went home this weekend to do some laundry and decided to just go down into my room and look around. I then realized that the paintings on my wall is are. And also the mirror i made in art class my senior year of highschool is also art.
I was looking at this photo and alomost deleted it... But then I started thinking about it, and it reminded me of life. Even if you know a lot still it only falls into the small spectrum of light visible in this photo. Everything else is kind of a blur still... not quite undersandable...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This picture was taken right out side of Andover while I was driving home to Augusta. The clearity of the rainbow kept getting better the closer i got to Augusta. This was a peacefull seen in a dreadful sky and thought it was pretty cool looking the way it turned out through the windsheild.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


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