the first is a picture of a reflection I found at the guitar center, I thought is was unique and not really noticeable to just anyone, you had to look closely and the design and that is where you'd find the other guitars.

This one is something that i find most everyone doesnt notice and take in awe of... the sunset. its most beautiful here in kansas where you can see the horizon,No one really stops to watch the awesome experience that happens evryday.

This next is just nature in pattern, on the side of my boyfriends' car he had perfect little icicles all in a row. and if you looked hard enough they were all over, under cars on the roofs, everywhere.

this also was a patch of ice on the car that had a delicate pattern melted throughout, it reminded me of a suriname toad, kind of nature mimicking nature :)

I really think the picture of the guitar is really something else. How the light hits the plastic piece and allows you to see the hidden detail. The small guitars reflecting off the plastic is really cool.