Thursday, April 30, 2009

5 Closing Observations

These are my last observations. The shoes represents pattern (dress up top, tennis shoes on bottom), the sun is fighting thru clouds after a storm passes, the plants represent color and life, and the messy bed represents our busy life as its just the way I left it in the morning. I like to think that these pictures along with all pictures tell a story.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Joshua Hugo, #15

We...have an access of wires...everywhere it seems. It's a big fire hazard, but it also allowed me an opportunity at a pic to represent access and line.
i took this picture on my back porch of my porch light. really liked the soft glow that centers at the meeting of these two lines - wed post josh funk

Wednesday observation

This is a pic of a glass of wine. I noticed that under light it left a
really neat red reflection on the paper

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

okay so the reason this picture is so awesome is because i was trying to cover the flash on my camera so that it wouldnt eliminate the reflection i was trying to capture but instead it gave the appearance that the picture itself is red when really its not.

I just really liked this color combination. this towel is a formal element all in itself:)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Joshua Hugo #14

Never noticing, even though I have Indian in me. Dreamcatchers are perfect unintended pattern woven together. It actually looks like a spider web.

Friday's performance....

Monday observation

Is it a UFO?? LOL no. It's a pic looking up at my fan going with the
lights on. I love the way a camera can capture light and a moving
object and make it look so mysterious

Tim Barnhill 4/27

I took this picture of a puddle after the rain. I liked this picture because all the ground around was dry except were the puddle was.

Tim Barnhill 4/26

I took this picture driving in the rain on sunday. I like who it looks kind of blurry and all you can see are the dark clouds in the sky.

Ashley Standley #13

I took this picture outside of my house during the storm on Sunday. I liked how the sky went from light to dark.

Ashley Standley #12

I took this picture on a nice day and I really liked the colors in the sky. I also like the way the clouds look different in the distance than they look at the front.

Brian Beyer #16

This is another one of my reckless driving photos, I happened to drive past a ton of police cars on the other side of the highway and their lights turned out looking really neat with the rain and movement again. I really like how their blue and red lights kind turned into a purple.

Brian Beyer #15

so since I know Kristin loves pictures from cars I decided to do some dangerous driving and took some pictures. This is a picture of some street lights and the rain along with me driving kinda blurred the light in and interesting way I thought. it kinda shows movement and creates unintended patterns with the light

Brian Beyer #14

This is another photo I took from the 18th floor. I like how the reflection changes it a little. at first I only meant to take a picture of the pattern the parking spaces made but with both I think it turned out neat.

Brian Beyer #13

so this picture I took while at my sisters prom Saturday. while she was hanging out with her friends I decided to take advantage of being in such a tall building. I took this picture and many others from the 18th floor. I think it really shows how the weather was Saturday before it had rained a lot.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Joshua Hugo, Weekly #13(? I'm losing track) April 26, 2009

Took this around 11:05 tonight. This is after the big part of the storm passed. This is my street flooded outside. In the darker one, there are some cars partly submerged in the water. I thought this would fit the chaos theme pretty well, since Mother Nature can be a little hard to handle.

Roberta Austin Weekly Observation

This is a picture I just took of the river formerly known as Hiram. I loved the way the lights from Davis were reflecting on the water.
I like how the trees are all on the right side of the pond creating different lines and shadows in the water.

Final Friday Kris Kuksi

This weekend I went up to Fort Hays to see some Friends, and Kris Kuksi is the art professor. His stuff is needless to say amazing! I was just walking through and I saw this sculpture, and then saw the painted spider. They both are very detailed show a lot of thought.

Austin Breitenstein

As i was driving home sunday morning from Lawrence it was raining and i really liked how the raind drops looked on my winshield. How because of the speed i was going it looks like the raid drops are going up my winshield and they make lines

Kelsey Lee #17

I took this as it was raining tonight. I wanted to be able to see the tons of rain in the background, but I couldn't get it to work. But I love the contrast of the photo, and the angle of the umbrella.

Kelsey Lee #16

I love the angle of this picture. I wanted the tire to blur because it was moving, but my camera was set on a setting too fast for that. I love the line in the photo and the contrast as well.

Sunday observation

This is a pic I took after it stormed. I liked the big rain drops on
my window as well as the storm clouds in the background

Kelsey Lee #15

I love the colors in this photograph. This is just a sign I came across and I love how unique it is. The colors with the rust and the different orientations of the signs make the photo a lot better.

Kelsey Lee #14

I took this photo thru a waterfall, and I absolutely love the blur of the water in this photo. It looks like a special made glass window. But if you look really closely in the right half of the waterfall, it looks as if there are two faces looking at each other. Maybe its just my imaginiation, but I love that effect in this photo.